Participants will gather to explore the recently released curricular document, an update to the Primary Program, called Learning in the Primary Years. This update centres inclusive learning, SEL, and the First Peoples Principles of Learning. The workshop will take into consideration the foundations of learning in the primary years, as well as practical strategies for the classroom.
Educators who attend this in-person workshop will receive a copy of Learning in the Primary Years.
8:45am Land Acknowledgement & Welcome
9:00-10:15am Keynote: Dr. Shelly Wilton
10:15am -10:30am Break
10:30am - 12:00pm Session #1: Participate in a virtual workshop
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm - 2:30pm Session #2: In-person in DEC 2202
(there will be time for a lunch break, please bring your own lunch and water)
District Education Centre
Room 2202
Please bring your own lunch
Early Learning, Primary, SEL, Literacy, Numeracy